Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sentinel Radio Show Launched!

As if raising children and critters and milking other people's cows along with doing laundry were not enough, this past week I helped write a white paper for Congress on NAIS and with some testimony for a House Subcommittee hearing on the National Animal Identification System as well as debuting a radio show. Whew. I am NOT bored.

At any rate, the radio show is a internet start up called Sentinel Radio, and being quite accustomed to standing on the deck of the Titanic with the other members of steerage fare, I am certainly in favor of seeing those deck chairs as potential raft material, so Sentinel seems quite appropo.

My show is called, Truth Farmer, just like this blog, and it is aired online on Tuesdays from 12noon CST through 2pm CST. You can also access archived shows. It is an exciting venture and I get to pull on a lot of my highly informed and entertaining friends as guests and we'll be able to spread the word about what is happening in and to agriculture and therefore the entire food supply system of the united States and the world.

You can join the fun here:

There are several other shows on Sentinel that are quite worthwhile, and you should bookmark and join in whenever you can. This is a joint effort of several people who were tossed off other radio networks for speaking the Truth. I promise it won't be boring!

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